#!/bin/zsh atr=$HOME/.cargo/bin/atr url_j=https://card.syui.ai/json/card.json tcid=$HOME/.config/ai/txt/tmp_notify_cid.txt handle=$1 did=$2 cid=$3 uri=$4 if [ ! -d $HOME/.config/ai/txt ];then mkdir -p $HOME/.config/ai/txt fi case $OSTYPE in darwin*) alias date="/opt/homebrew/bin/gdate" ;; esac url=https://api.syui.ai username=`echo $1|cut -d . -f 1` link=https://card.syui.ai/$username ran=$(($RANDOM % 10)) if [ $ran -eq 1 ];then uranai="Please do a of today's rune-fortune. Tell us the result in 120 characters or less." else uranai="Please do a of today's tarot-fortune. Tell us the result in 120 characters or less." fi uid=`curl -sL "$url/users?itemsPerPage=2000"|jq ".[]|select(.username == \"$username\")"|jq -r .id` if [ -z $uid ] || [ "$uid" = "null" ];then body=`$atr chat "$uranai" -c` body=`echo "At least 3 cards of the Eye are required for divination\n\n$body"` if [ "`cat $tcid`" != "$cid" ];then if $atr r "$body" -c $cid -u $uri;then echo $cid >! $tcid fi fi exit fi data=`curl -sL "$url/users/$uid"` data_u=`curl -sL "$url/users/$uid/card?itemsPerPage=2000"` luck_at=`echo $data|jq -r .luck_at` luck_at_n=`date --iso-8601=seconds` luck_at=`date -d "$luck_at" +"%Y%m%d"` day_at=`date +"%Y%m%d"` nd=`date +"%Y%m%d" -d '1 days ago'` if [ "$luck_at" = "$day_at" ];then body=`$atr chat "$uranai" -c` if [ "`cat $tcid`" != "$cid" ];then if $atr r "$body" -c $cid -u $uri;then echo $cid >! $tcid fi fi exit fi cp_i=`echo $data_u |jq -r "sort_by(.cp) | reverse|.[].card"|sort|uniq|sed -e '1d'` cp_n=`echo $cp_i|wc -l` if [ 3 -gt $cp_n ];then body=`$atr chat "$uranai" -c` body=`echo "At least 3 cards of the Eye are required for divination\n\n$body"` if [ "`cat $tcid`" != "$cid" ];then if $atr r "$body" -c $cid -u $uri;then echo $cid >! $tcid fi fi exit fi ran=$(($RANDOM % $cp_n + 1)) luck=$(($RANDOM % 8)) sub=$(($RANDOM % 15)) card=`echo $cp_i|awk "NR==$ran"` if [ $sub -eq $card ];then sub="x2" else sub=`curl -sL $url_j|jq -r ".[]|select(.id == $sub)|.p"` fi j=`curl -sL $url_j|jq ".[]|select(.id == $card)"` img=`echo $j|jq -r .img` if [ -z $img ] || [ "$img" = "null" ];then exit fi text="AI Card Fortune Telling" title=`echo $j|jq -r .h_en` title="[${title}]" #desc=`echo $j|jq -r .p` if [ 0 -eq $luck ];then desc="0" fi if [ 1 -eq $luck ];then desc="1" fi if [ 2 -eq $luck ];then desc="2" fi if [ 3 -eq $luck ];then desc="3" fi if [ 4 -eq $luck ];then desc="4" fi if [ 5 -eq $luck ];then desc="5" fi if [ 6 -eq $luck ];then desc="6" fi if [ 7 -eq $luck ];then desc="7" fi desc=`echo "lucky number ${luck}"` if [ "`cat $tcid`" != "$cid" ];then if $atr reply-og "$text" --cid $cid --uri $uri --img $img --title "$title" --description "$desc" --link $link;then echo $cid >! $tcid fi fi pass=`cat $HOME/.config/ai/api_card.json|jq -r .password` token=`cat $HOME/.config/ai/api_card.json|jq -r .token` if [ $luck -eq 7 ];then tmp=`curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"luck_at\":\"$luck_at_n\",\"token\":\"$token\",\"luck\": $luck, \"next\": \"$nd\"}" -s $url/users/$uid` else tmp=`curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"luck_at\":\"$luck_at_n\",\"token\":\"$token\",\"luck\": $luck}" -s $url/users/$uid` fi exit