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// Celestial body constructor
var CelestialBody = function (obj) {
// Meta
this.name = "";
// If the planet is the sun
this.star = false;
// Object shape info
this.spherical = true;
this.oblateness = 0.;
this.radius = 1.;
this.isComet = false;
this.particleSystem = null;
// Parent/moon objects
this.parent = null;
this.children = [];
// TODO: Model info, to be implemented
// Orbit parameters
// 周期(恒星)、半长轴、离心率、倾角、升交点黄经、平近点角 (历时原点假设轨道是圆形时的黄经偏移)
this.position = {
x: 0, y: 0, z: 0,
this.obj = {
path: null, objPath: null, mtlPath: null,
scale: 1., angle: 0., x: 0., y: 0., z: 0.
this.orbit = {
period: 1., semiMajorAxis: 1., eccentricity: 0.,
inclination: 0., ascendingNode: 0., meanLongitude: 0.
// Rotation parameters
// 周期恒星、倾角黄赤夹角、子午角自转轴所在的与黄道垂直的平面即子午面与xOy平面的夹角、历时原点角度偏移
// 注这里我们使用xOz平面作为黄道面
this.rotation = {
period: 1., inclination: 1.,
meridianAngle: 0., offset: 0.
// 远景时显示光芒的参数设定
// albedo 为反照率
// 下面给出一个该把这个光点画多亮的粗略估计(只是用来看的,不是很严谨)
// x > R/k: (2 - <c, p>/(|c|*|p|)) * R^2 * a * log(k*x0/R) / log(k*x/R)
// else: 0
// 其中a是反照率记号<,>表示内积,|.|是二范数c是摄像机坐标p是天体坐标
// R 是天体半径x 是距天体的距离,即|c - p|k 是一个系数
this.albedo = 1.;
this.shineColor = 0xffffff;
// Material settings
this.material = {
// "phong", "lambert", "basic"
type: "phong",
diffuse: {map: null, color: 0xffffff},
specular: {map: null, color: 0xffffff, shininess: 25},
night: {map: null},
bump: {map: null, height: 10}
// Planet ring definitions
this.ring = {
map: null,
lower: 2000, higher: 6000,
color: 0xffffff, specularColor: 0xffffff, specularPower: 5
// halo effect
this.halo = {
color: null,
radius: 1.
this.atmosphere = {
cloud: {
map: null, height: 1, speed: 20
// By wave length
scattering: false,
atmosphereColor: new THREE.Vector3(0.5, 0.7, 0.8),
sunsetColor: new THREE.Vector3(0.8, 0.7, 0.6),
atmosphereStrength: 1.0,
sunsetStrength: 1.0
mergeRecursive(this, obj);
function mergeRecursive(obj1, obj2) {
for (var p in obj2) {
try {
//Property in destination object set; update its value.
if (obj2[p].constructor == Object) {
obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
} else {
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
} catch (e) {
//Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value.
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
return obj1;
// lens flare texture
CelestialBody.prototype.flareTexture = textureLoader.load("res/effects/flare.jpg");
// IMPORTANT: This function of the prototype generate the object and put it on
// the scene. This is the most most important part in drawing the object.
CelestialBody.prototype.generateObjectsOnScene = function (argScene) {
var that = this;
// if(this.spherical)
if (!this.spherical) {
if (this.isComet) {
this.cometPivot = new THREE.Group();
this.objectGroup = new THREE.Group();
this.particleSystem = new THREE.GPUParticleSystem({
maxParticles: 150000
} else {
this.objectGroup = new THREE.Group();
var onProgress = function (xhr) {
if (xhr.lengthComputable) {
var percentComplete = xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100;
var onError = function (xhr) {
if (that.obj.mtlPath != null) {
mtlLoader.load(that.obj.mtlPath, function (materials) {
objLoader.load(that.obj.objPath, function (object) {
var scale = that.obj.scale;
object.rotateY(that.obj.angle / 180.0 * Math.PI);
object.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
}, onProgress, onError);
} else {
objLoader.load(that.obj.objPath, function (object) {
object.traverse(function (child) {
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();
if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
child.material = material;
object.rotateY(that.obj.angle / 180.0 * Math.PI);
var scale = that.obj.scale;
object.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
}, onProgress, onError);
} else {
this.bodySphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(this.radius, 64, 64);
// else if(!this.spherical) blablabla...
// The base body sphere material
var sphereMaterial = this.bodySphereMaterial = null;
switch (this.material.type) {
case "basic":
sphereMaterial = this.bodySphereMaterial
= new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color(this.material.diffuse.color)
if (this.material.diffuse.map !== null) {
sphereMaterial.map = textureLoader.load(this.material.diffuse.map);
case "lambert":
sphereMaterial = this.bodySphereMaterial
= new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color(this.material.diffuse.color),
specular: new THREE.Color(0x000000),
shininess: 0,
bumpScale: this.material.bump.height
if (this.material.diffuse.map !== null) {
sphereMaterial.map = textureLoader.load(this.material.diffuse.map);
case "phong":
sphereMaterial = this.bodySphereMaterial
= new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color(this.material.diffuse.color),
specular: new THREE.Color(this.material.specular.color),
shininess: this.material.specular.shininess,
bumpScale: this.material.bump.height
if (this.material.diffuse.map !== null) {
sphereMaterial.map = textureLoader.load(this.material.diffuse.map);
if (this.material.specular.map !== null) {
sphereMaterial.specularMap = textureLoader.load(this.material.specular.map);
if (this.material.bump.map !== null) {
sphereMaterial.bumpMap = textureLoader.load(this.material.bump.map);
this.objectGroup = new THREE.Group();
// Add the main body part
textureLoader.load(this.material.diffuse.map, function (texture) {
this.bodySphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({map: texture});
this.bodySphereMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.bodySphereGeometry, this.bodySphereMaterial);
this.bodySphereMesh.scale.set(1, 1 - this.oblateness, 1);
// Add lens flare
this.lensFlare = null;
if (this.star) {
this.lensFlare =
new THREE.LensFlare(this.flareTexture, 200,
0, THREE.AdditiveBlending, new THREE.Color(this.shineColor));
this.lensFlare.position.set(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getZ());
var that = this;
this.lensFlare.customUpdateCallback = function () {
var cameraDistance = Math.sqrt(
(trackCamera[params.Camera].getX() - that.getX())
* (trackCamera[params.Camera].getX() - that.getX()),
(trackCamera[params.Camera].getY() - that.getY())
* (trackCamera[params.Camera].getY() - that.getY()),
(trackCamera[params.Camera].getZ() - that.getZ())
* (trackCamera[params.Camera].getZ() - that.getZ()));
this.transparent = 0.3;
if (cameraDistance < 6000) {
that.bodySphereMaterial.depthTest = true;
that.haloMaterial.depthTest = true;
that.cloudMaterial.depthTest = true;
else {
that.bodySphereMaterial.depthTest = false;
that.haloMaterial.depthTest = false;
// Add night
this.nightMaterial = null;
this.nightSphereMesh = null;
if (this.material.night.map !== null) {
this.nightMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
nightTexture: {value: textureLoader.load(this.material.night.map)}
vertexShader: generalVS,
fragmentShader: nightFS,
transparent: true,
blending: THREE.CustomBlending,
blendEquation: THREE.AddEquation
this.nightSphereMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.bodySphereGeometry, this.nightMaterial);
// Add clouds
this.cloudGeometry = null;
this.cloudMaterial = null;
this.cloudMesh = null;
if (this.atmosphere.cloud.map !== null) {
this.cloudGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(this.radius + this.atmosphere.cloud.height, 64, 64);
if (!this.star) {
this.cloudMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
map: textureLoader.load(this.atmosphere.cloud.map),
transparent: true
} else {
this.cloudMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: textureLoader.load(this.atmosphere.cloud.map),
transparent: true
this.cloudMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.cloudGeometry, this.cloudMaterial);
// Add atmosphere
this.atmosphereGeometry = null;
this.atmosphereMaterial = null;
this.atmosphereMesh = null;
if (this.atmosphere.scattering) {
this.atmosphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(this.radius * 1.015, 64, 64);
this.atmosphereMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
atmosphereColor: {value: this.atmosphere.atmosphereColor},
sunsetColor: {value: this.atmosphere.sunsetColor},
atmosphereStrength: {value: this.atmosphere.atmosphereStrength},
sunsetStrength: {value: this.atmosphere.sunsetStrength}
vertexShader: atmosphereVS,
fragmentShader: atmosphereFS,
transparent: true,
blending: THREE.CustomBlending,
blendEquation: THREE.AddEquation
this.atmosphereMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.atmosphereGeometry, this.atmosphereMaterial);
this.haloGeometry = null;
this.haloMaterial = null;
this.haloMesh = null;
if (this.halo.color != null) {
this.haloGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(this.halo.radius, 64, 64);
this.haloMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
color: {value: this.halo.color}
vertexShader: haloVS,
fragmentShader: haloFS,
transparent: true,
blending: THREE.CustomBlending,
blendEquation: THREE.AddEquation
this.haloMesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.haloGeometry, this.haloMaterial);
// Add rings
// Add clouds
this.ringGeometry = null;
this.ringMaterial = null;
this.ringMeshPositive = null;
this.ringMeshNegative = null;
this.ringTexture = null;
if (this.ring.map !== null) {
this.ringTexture = textureLoader.load(this.ring.map);
this.ringTexture.rotation = Math.PI / 2;
this.ringGeometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(this.radius + this.ring.lower, this.radius + this.ring.higher, 0, 100, 100, true);
this.ringMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
map: this.ringTexture, transparent: true,
emissive: new THREE.Color(0x222222)
this.ringMeshPositive = new THREE.Mesh(this.ringGeometry, this.ringMaterial);
this.ringGeometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(this.radius + this.ring.higher, this.radius + this.ring.lower, 0, 100, 100, true);
this.ringMeshNegative = new THREE.Mesh(this.ringGeometry, this.ringMaterial);
// if(this.name === "Saturn") {
// this.ringMeshPositive.castShadow = true;
// this.ringMeshPositive.receiveShadow = true;
// this.ringMeshNegative.castShadow = true;
// this.ringMeshNegative.receiveShadow = true;
// this.bodySphereMesh.castShadow = true;
// this.bodySphereMesh.receiveShadow = true;
// }
// Add meshes to the object group
if (this.lensFlare != null) this.objectGroup.add(this.lensFlare);
if (this.ringMeshPositive !== null) {
if (this.cloudMesh !== null) {
// simple inclination
this.objectGroup.rotateZ(this.rotation.inclination / 180.0 * Math.PI);
CelestialBody.prototype.updateClouds = function (time) {
if (this.cloudGeometry !== null) {
this.cloudGeometry.rotateY(this.atmosphere.cloud.speed / 180.0 * Math.PI);
CelestialBody.prototype.update = function (time) {
if (this.objectGroup !== undefined || this.isComet) {
if (this.spherical && !this.isComet)
CelestialBody.prototype.getX = function () {
if (this.objectGroup == null || this.objectGroup.position == null) return 0;
return this.objectGroup.position.getComponent(0);
CelestialBody.prototype.getY = function () {
if (this.objectGroup == null || this.objectGroup.position == null) return 0;
return this.objectGroup.position.getComponent(1);
CelestialBody.prototype.getZ = function () {
if (this.objectGroup == null || this.objectGroup.position == null) return 0;
return this.objectGroup.position.getComponent(2);
CelestialBody.prototype.getRadius = function () {
if (this.objectGroup == null || this.objectGroup.position == null) return 0;
return this.radius;