
132 lines
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2024-04-08 02:50:00 +09:00
import util from "util";
import cp from "child_process";
import {parseVersion} from "./helpers/parser.js";
import githubAxios from "./githubAxios.js";
import memoize from 'memoizee';
const exec = util.promisify(cp.exec);
export default class GithubAPI {
constructor(owner, repo) {
if (!owner) {
throw new Error('repo owner must be specified');
if (!repo) {
throw new Error('repo must be specified');
this.repo = repo;
this.owner = owner;
this.axios = githubAxios.create({
baseURL: `https://api.github.com/repos/${this.owner}/${this.repo}/`,
async createComment(issue, body) {
return (await this.axios.post(`/issues/${issue}/comments`, {body})).data;
async getComments(issue, {desc = false, per_page= 100, page = 1} = {}) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/issues/${issue}/comments`, {params: {direction: desc ? 'desc' : 'asc', per_page, page}})).data;
async getComment(id) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/issues/comments/${id}`)).data;
async updateComment(id, body) {
return (await this.axios.patch(`/issues/comments/${id}`, {body})).data;
async appendLabels(issue, labels) {
return (await this.axios.post(`/issues/${issue}/labels`, {labels})).data;
async getUser(user) {
return (await githubAxios.get(`/users/${user}`)).data;
async isCollaborator(user) {
try {
return (await this.axios.get(`/collaborators/${user}`)).status === 204;
} catch (e) {
async deleteLabel(issue, label) {
return (await this.axios.delete(`/issues/${issue}/labels/${label}`)).data;
async getIssue(issue) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/issues/${issue}`)).data;
async getPR(issue) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/pulls/${issue}`)).data;
async getIssues({state= 'open', labels, sort = 'created', desc = false, per_page = 100, page = 1}) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/issues`, {params: {state, labels, sort, direction: desc ? 'desc' : 'asc', per_page, page}})).data;
async updateIssue(issue, data) {
return (await this.axios.patch(`/issues/${issue}`, data)).data;
async closeIssue(issue) {
return this.updateIssue(issue, {
state: "closed"
async getReleases({per_page = 30, page= 1} = {}) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/releases`, {params: {per_page, page}})).data;
async getRelease(release = 'latest') {
return (await this.axios.get(parseVersion(release) ? `/releases/tags/${release}` : `/releases/${release}`)).data;
async getTags({per_page = 30, page= 1} = {}) {
return (await this.axios.get(`/tags`, {params: {per_page, page}})).data;
async reopenIssue(issue) {
return this.updateIssue(issue, {
state: "open"
static async getTagRef(tag) {
try {
return (await exec(`git show-ref --tags "refs/tags/${tag}"`)).stdout.split(' ')[0];
} catch (e) {
static async getLatestTag() {
const {stdout} = await exec(`git for-each-ref refs/tags --sort=-taggerdate --format='%(refname)' --count=1`);
return stdout.split('/').pop();
} catch (e) {}
static normalizeTag(tag){
return tag ? 'v' + tag.replace(/^v/, '') : '';
const {prototype} = GithubAPI;
['getUser', 'isCollaborator'].forEach(methodName => {
prototype[methodName] = memoize(prototype[methodName], { promise: true })
['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'isAxiosError'].forEach((method) => prototype[method] = function(...args){
return this.axios[method](...args);