
242 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-04-08 02:50:00 +09:00
import axios from "./githubAxios.js";
import util from "util";
import cp from "child_process";
import Handlebars from "handlebars";
import fs from "fs/promises";
import {colorize} from "./helpers/colorize.js";
const exec = util.promisify(cp.exec);
const ONE_MB = 1024 * 1024;
const removeExtraLineBreaks = (str) => str.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n){3,}/gm, '\r\n\r\n');
const cleanTemplate = template => template
.replace(/\n +/g, '\n')
.replace(/^ +/, '')
.replace(/\n\n\n+/g, '\n\n')
.replace(/\n\n$/, '\n');
const getUserFromCommit = ((commitCache) => async (sha) => {
try {
if(commitCache[sha] !== undefined) {
return commitCache[sha];
console.log(colorize()`fetch github commit info (${sha})`);
const {data} = await axios.get(`https://api.github.com/repos/axios/axios/commits/${sha}`);
return commitCache[sha] = {
avatar_url_sm: data.author.avatar_url ? data.author.avatar_url + '&s=18' : '',
} catch (err) {
return commitCache[sha] = null;
const getIssueById = ((cache) => async (id) => {
if(cache[id] !== undefined) {
return cache[id];
try {
const {data} = await axios.get(`https://api.github.com/repos/axios/axios/issues/${id}`);
return cache[id] = data;
} catch (err) {
return null;
const getUserInfo = ((userCache) => async (userEntry) => {
const {email, commits} = userEntry;
if (userCache[email] !== undefined) {
return userCache[email];
console.log(colorize()`fetch github user info [${userEntry.name}]`);
return userCache[email] = {
...await getUserFromCommit(commits[0].hash)
const deduplicate = (authors) => {
const loginsMap = {};
const combined= {};
const assign = (a, b) => {
const {insertions, deletions, points, ...rest} = b;
Object.assign(a, rest);
a.insertions += insertions;
a.deletions += insertions;
a.insertions += insertions;
for(const [email, user] of Object.entries(authors)) {
const {login} = user;
let entry;
if(login && (entry = loginsMap[login])) {
assign(entry, user);
} else {
login && (loginsMap[login] = user);
combined[email] = user;
return combined;
const getReleaseInfo = ((releaseCache) => async (tag) => {
if(releaseCache[tag] !== undefined) {
return releaseCache[tag];
const isUnreleasedTag = !tag;
const version = 'v' + tag.replace(/^v/, '');
const command = isUnreleasedTag ?
`npx auto-changelog --unreleased-only --stdout --commit-limit false --template json` :
`npx auto-changelog ${
version ? '--starting-version ' + version + ' --ending-version ' + version : ''
} --stdout --commit-limit false --template json`;
const {stdout} = await exec(command, {maxBuffer: 10 * ONE_MB});
const release = JSON.parse(stdout)[0];
if(release) {
const authors = {};
const commits = [
...release.fixes.map(fix => fix.commit),
...release.merges.map(fix => fix.commit)
const commitMergeMap = {};
for(const merge of release.merges) {
commitMergeMap[merge.commit.hash] = merge.id;
for (const {hash, author, email, insertions, deletions} of commits) {
const entry = authors[email] = (authors[email] || {
name: author,
prs: [],
commits: [],
insertions: 0, deletions: 0
let pr;
if((pr = commitMergeMap[hash])) {
console.log(colorize()`Found commit [${hash}]`);
entry.displayName = entry.name || author || entry.login;
entry.github = entry.login ? `https://github.com/${encodeURIComponent(entry.login)}` : '';
entry.insertions += insertions;
entry.deletions += deletions;
entry.points = entry.insertions + entry.deletions;
for (const [email, author] of Object.entries(authors)) {
const entry = authors[email] = await getUserInfo(author);
entry.isBot = entry.type === "Bot";
release.authors = Object.values(deduplicate(authors))
.sort((a, b) => b.points - a.points);
release.allCommits = commits;
releaseCache[tag] = release;
return release;
const renderContributorsList = async (tag, template) => {
const release = await getReleaseInfo(tag);
const compile = Handlebars.compile(String(await fs.readFile(template)))
const content = compile(release);
return removeExtraLineBreaks(cleanTemplate(content));
const renderPRsList = async (tag, template, {comments_threshold= 5, awesome_threshold= 5, label = 'add_to_changelog'} = {}) => {
const release = await getReleaseInfo(tag);
const prs = {};
for(const merge of release.merges) {
const pr = await getIssueById(merge.id);
if (pr && pr.labels.find(({name})=> name === label)) {
const {reactions, body} = pr;
prs[pr.number] = pr;
pr.isHot = pr.comments > comments_threshold;
const points = reactions['+1'] +
reactions['hooray'] + reactions['rocket'] + reactions['heart'] + reactions['laugh'] - reactions['-1'];
pr.isAwesome = points > awesome_threshold;
let match;
pr.messages = [];
if (body) {
const reg = /```+changelog\n*(.+?)?\n*```/gms;
while((match = reg.exec(body))) {
match[1] && pr.messages.push(match[1]);
release.prs = Object.values(prs);
const compile = Handlebars.compile(String(await fs.readFile(template)))
const content = compile(release);
return removeExtraLineBreaks(cleanTemplate(content));
const getTagRef = async (tag) => {
try {
return (await exec(`git show-ref --tags "refs/tags/${tag}"`)).stdout.split(' ')[0];
} catch(e) {
export {