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2024-04-05 08:46:22 +00:00
export interface HotkeysEvent {
key: string;
keys: number[];
method: KeyHandler;
mods: number[];
scope: string;
shortcut: string;
export interface KeyHandler {
(keyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent, hotkeysEvent: HotkeysEvent): void | boolean;
type Options = {
scope?: string;
element?: HTMLElement | null;
keyup?: boolean | null;
keydown?: boolean | null;
capture?: boolean
splitKey?: string;
single?: boolean;
export interface Hotkeys {
(key: string, method: KeyHandler): void;
(key: string, scope: string, method: KeyHandler): void;
(key: string, options: Options, method: KeyHandler): void;
shift: boolean;
ctrl: boolean;
alt: boolean;
option: boolean;
control: boolean;
cmd: boolean;
command: boolean;
keyMap: Record<string, number>;
modifier: Record<string, number>;
modifierMap: Record<string, number | string>;
* Use the `hotkeys.setScope` method to set scope. There can only be one active scope besides 'all'. By default 'all' is always active.
* ```js
* // Define shortcuts with a scope
* hotkeys('ctrl+o, ctrl+alt+enter', 'issues', function() {
* console.log('do something');
* });
* hotkeys('o, enter', 'files', function() {
* console.log('do something else');
* });
* // Set the scope (only 'all' and 'issues' shortcuts will be honored)
* hotkeys.setScope('issues'); // default scope is 'all'
* ```
setScope(scopeName: string): void;
* Use the `hotkeys.getScope` method to get scope.
* ```js
* hotkeys.getScope();
* ```
getScope(): string;
* Use the `hotkeys.deleteScope` method to delete a scope. This will also remove all associated hotkeys with it.
* ```js
* hotkeys.deleteScope('issues');
* ```
* You can use second argument, if need set new scope after deleting.
* ```js
* hotkeys.deleteScope('issues', 'newScopeName');
* ```
deleteScope(scopeName: string, newScopeName?: string): void;
* Relinquish HotKeyss control of the `hotkeys` variable.
* ```js
* var k = hotkeys.noConflict();
* k('a', function() {
* console.log("do something")
* });
* hotkeys()
* // -->Uncaught TypeError: hotkeys is not a function(anonymous function)
* // @ VM2170:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn
* // @ VM2165:883InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap
* // @ VM2165:816InjectedScript.evaluate @ VM2165:682
* ```
noConflict(): Hotkeys;
* trigger shortcut key event
* ```js
* hotkeys.trigger('ctrl+o');
* hotkeys.trigger('ctrl+o', 'scope2');
* ```
trigger(shortcut: string, scope?: string): void;
unbind(key?: string): void;
unbind(key: string, scopeName: string): void;
unbind(key: string, scopeName: string, method: KeyHandler): void;
unbind(key: string, method: KeyHandler): void;
/** For example, `hotkeys.isPressed(77)` is true if the `M` key is currently pressed. */
isPressed(keyCode: number): boolean;
/** For example, `hotkeys.isPressed('m')` is true if the `M` key is currently pressed. */
isPressed(keyCode: string): boolean;
* Returns an array of key codes currently pressed.
* ```js
* hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function() {
* console.log(hotkeys.getPressedKeyCodes()); //=> [17, 65] or [70]
* })
* ```
getPressedKeyCodes(): number[];
* Returns an array of key codes currently pressed.
* ```js
* hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function() {
* console.log(hotkeys.getPressedKeyString()); //=> ['⌘', '⌃', '⇧', 'A', 'F']
* })
* ```
getPressedKeyString(): string[];
* Get a list of all registration codes.
* ```js
* hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function() {
* console.log(hotkeys.getAllKeyCodes());
* // [
* // { scope: 'all', shortcut: 'command+ctrl+shift+a', mods: [91, 17, 16], keys: [91, 17, 16, 65] },
* // { scope: 'all', shortcut: 'f', mods: [], keys: [42] }
* // ]
* })
* ```
getAllKeyCodes(): Omit<HotkeysEvent, 'method' | 'key'>[];
* By default hotkeys are not enabled for `INPUT` `SELECT` `TEXTAREA` elements.
* `Hotkeys.filter` to return to the `true` shortcut keys set to play a role,
* `false` shortcut keys set up failure.
* ```js
* hotkeys.filter = function(event){
* return true;
* }
* //How to add the filter to edit labels. <div contentEditable="true"></div>
* //"contentEditable" Older browsers that do not support drops
* hotkeys.filter = function(event) {
* var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
* var tagName = target.tagName;
* return !(target.isContentEditable || tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA');
* }
* hotkeys.filter = function(event){
* var tagName = (event.target || event.srcElement).tagName;
* hotkeys.setScope(/^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT)$/.test(tagName) ? 'input' : 'other');
* return true;
* }
* ```
filter(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean;
// https://github.com/eiriklv/react-masonry-component/issues/57
declare var hotkeys: Hotkeys;
export default hotkeys;