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2024-04-23 13:21:26 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import argparse
import heapq
import collections
import struct
import sys
min_match = 10
max_run = 15
max_dist = 512
use_len_huffman = False
groupinto = lambda l, n: [tuple(l[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
combine = lambda l, shift: reduce(lambda x,y: (x<<shift)|y, l[::-1], 0)
wasm = lambda b: ('\\%02x' % (b))
padz = lambda l, s: '0' * (l - len(s)) + s
padbin = lambda l, n: padz(l, bin(n)[2:])
tobits = lambda l, n: map(int, bin(n)[2:])[::-1] + ([0] * (l - len(bin(n)) + 2))
tobytes = lambda data: [combine(x, 1) for x in groupinto(data, 8)]
def read_file(f):
data = open(f).readlines()
# Not gonna be super robust here...
# Assume the first four lines are:
# P3
# # Comment from GIMP
# <width> <height>
# <max color>
# <actual data, one byte per line>
width, height = map(int, data[2].split())
data = map(int, data[4:])
# Convert colors into tuples of (R, G, B)
data = groupinto(data, 3)
# Extra colors into a palette
colors = list(set(data))
# Sort colors so white is first.
assert(len(colors) <= 4)
# Map pixel data to palette index
return [colors.index(x) for x in data]
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, key, l=None, r=None):
self.key = key
self.l = l
self.r = r
def make_huffman(dic):
if len(dic) == 0: return {}
heap = []
for key, count in dic.iteritems():
heapq.heappush(heap, (count, Node(key)))
while len(heap) >= 2:
count1, node1 = heapq.heappop(heap)
count2, node2 = heapq.heappop(heap)
heapq.heappush(heap, (count1 + count2, Node(None, node1, node2)))
# Decode huffman into encoding dict
result = {}
def Build(node, cur):
if node.key is not None:
result[node.key] = cur
assert(node.l is not None and node.r is not None)
Build(node.l, cur + '0')
Build(node.r, cur + '1')
Build(heap[0][1], '')
# Canonicalize huffman encoding
max_len = max(len(code) for code in result.values()) + 1
lens = [[] for _ in range(max_len)]
for key, code in result.iteritems():
# print([(i, len(x)) for i, x in enumerate(lens)])
result = {}
code = 0
for l, keys in enumerate(lens):
for key in keys:
result[key] = padbin(l, code)
# print('%s=>%s' % (key, result[key]))
code += 1
code <<= 1
return result
def align_byte(n):
return (n + 7) & ~7
def huffman_cost(huff):
max_len = max(len(code) for code in huff.values()) + 1
lens = [0] * max_len
for key, code in huff.iteritems():
lens[len(code)] += 1
sums = [0]
for l in lens:
sums.append(sums[-1] + l)
sums = sums[1:]
keybits = log2(max([-key for key in huff.keys()] + huff.keys())) + 1
sumbits = log2(max(sums)) + 7
# keybits = align_byte(keybits)
# sumbits = align_byte(sumbits)
return len(huff) * keybits + len(sums) * (sumbits * 2)
def lz77(runs):
# Find repeated patterns
pattern_def = {}
result = runs[:]
for l in range(min_match, len(runs)):
found = False
for i in range(len(runs) - l):
pattern = tuple(runs[i:i+l])
if pattern in pattern_def:
dist = pattern_def[pattern] - i
if dist > -max_dist:
found = True
result[i] = (dist, len(pattern))
pattern_def[pattern] = i
if not found:
# Determine path that uses the most patterns
score = [0] * (len(runs) + 1)
back = [0] * (len(runs) + 1)
for i, value in enumerate(result):
if type(value) is tuple:
l = value[1]
if score[i] + l > score[i + l]:
score[i + l] = score[i] + l
back[i + l] = i
elif score[i] > score[i + 1]:
score[i + 1] = score[i]
back[i + 1] = i
# Reconstruct path
final = [None] * len(runs)
next = len(runs)
while back[next] != 0:
next = back[next]
final[next] = result[next]
for i in range(next):
final[i] = result[i]
# Remove Nones
new_final = []
for val in final:
if val is not None:
print('original (%d items) %s\n' % (len(runs), runs))
print('compressed (%d items) %s\n' % (len(new_final), new_final))
offsets = collections.defaultdict(int)
lens = collections.defaultdict(int)
offset_set = set()
len_set = set()
lit_set = set()
for t in new_final:
if type(t) is tuple:
offsets[t[0]] += 1
if use_len_huffman:
lens[t[1]] += 1
offsets[t[1]] += 1
offsets[t] += 1
# Calculate fixed-size cost
fixed_offset = log2(max([-x for x in offset_set]))
fixed_len = log2(max(len_set))
fixed_lit = log2(max(lit_set))
print('offset=%d len=%d lit=%d\n' % (fixed_offset, fixed_len, fixed_lit))
# Create huffman trees
offset_huffman = make_huffman(offsets)
print('huffman (%d items) %s\n' % (len(offset_huffman), offset_huffman))
if use_len_huffman:
len_huffman = make_huffman(lens)
print('len huffman (%d items) %s\n' % (len(len_huffman), len_huffman))
len_huffman = offset_huffman
data = []
bits = ''
total = 0
was_tuple = True
for i, t in enumerate(new_final):
if was_tuple:
total += fixed_offset
count = 0
while i < len(new_final):
if type(new_final[i]) is tuple:
count += 1
i += 1
bits += padbin(fixed_offset, count) + ' '
data += tobits(fixed_offset, count)
if type(t) is tuple:
was_tuple = True
total += fixed_offset + fixed_len
# total += len(offset_huffman[t[0]]) + len(len_huffman[t[1]])
# bits += '%s|%s ' % (offset_huffman[t[0]], len_huffman[t[1]])
bits += '%s|%s ' % (padbin(fixed_offset, -t[0]), padbin(fixed_len, t[1]))
data += tobits(fixed_offset, -t[0]) + tobits(fixed_len, t[1])
was_tuple = False
total += fixed_lit
# total += len(offset_huffman[t])
# bits += offset_huffman[t] + ' '
bits += padbin(fixed_lit, t) + ' '
data += tobits(fixed_lit, t)
print('(1bits/pixel) => %d bytes' % (sum(runs) / 8))
print(' (4bits/run) => %d bytes' % (len(runs) / 2))
# print(' (w/o table) => %d bytes (+%d bits)' % (total / 8, total % 8))
# total += huffman_cost(offset_huffman)
# if use_len_huffman:
# total += huffman_cost(len_huffman)
# print(' (compressed) => %d bytes (+%d bits)' % (total / 8, total % 8))
print('savings = %d' % (total / 8 - sum(runs) / 8))
print(' (no huffman) => %d bytes (+%d bits)' % (total / 8, total % 8))
print('savings = %d\n' % (total / 8 - sum(runs) / 8))
print('encoded (no huffman): %s\n' % bits)
# print('encoded (huffman): %s\n' % bits)
# print(data)
# print(map(hex, tobytes(data)))
data = tobytes(data)
data = ''.join(('"%s"\n' % ''.join(wasm(j) for j in data[i:i+24]))
for i in range(0, len(data), 24))
def log2(n):
t = 0
while n > 0:
n >>= 1
t += 1
return t
def lzw(runs):
dic = dict([((x,), x) for x in range(16)])
i = 0
result = []
seq = []
total = 0
while i < len(runs) - 1:
new_seq = seq + [runs[i]]
tup_new_seq = tuple(new_seq)
if tup_new_seq not in dic:
code = dic[tuple(seq)]
if code > 15:
print '%d => %s' % (code, tuple(seq))
dic[tup_new_seq] = len(dic)
seq = [runs[i]]
seq = new_seq
i += 1
total += log2(len(dic))
print('%d bits = %d bytes' % (4 * len(runs), len(runs)/2), len(runs), runs)
print('%d bits = %d bytes' % (total, total/8), len(result), result)
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m', '--min-match', type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument('-M', '--max-run', type=int, default=15)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--max-dist', type=int, default=512)
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
global min_match, max_run, max_dist
min_match = args.min_match
max_run = args.max_run
max_dist = args.max_dist
offsets = []
data = []
for f in args.files:
offsets.append((f, len(data)))
if False:
open('combined.dat', 'wb').write(''.join(map(chr, tobytes(data))))
# Find run lengths
last = 0
runs = [0]
for bit in data:
if bit == last and runs[-1] < max_run:
runs[-1] += 1
if bit == last:
last = bit
print('\n'.join(';; %s => %d' % t for t in offsets))
if __name__ == '__main__':