# Contributing to Cal-Heatmap ## Editing source file All edition should be done on `src/cal-heatmap.js`. **DO NOT** edit javascripts file located in the root, as they're built via grunt. ## Building final javascripts Cal-Heatmap uses `grunt` to build final javascripts and stylesheets. Install grunt via npm install -g grunt-cli then run grunt build ## Tests Cal-Heatmap is tested with [Qunit](https://qunitjs.com/). Tests files are located in the `test` directory, and can be run by opening the `index.html` file. If you want to add or edit existing tests, **do not** edit the `test/test.js` file. Instead, add them in `test/src`, under the corresponding module. Take a look at existing tests for reference. You can then run `grunt build` to generate the final `test/test.js` file. ## Submitting changes Submit your pull requests with only files located in `src` folders. Do not commit files generated by grunt (.js located in the root and `test/test.js`).