+++ date = "2019-09-28" tags = ["mpv"] title = "homebrewのmpvでrebuild mpv insteadと言われる件" slug = "mpv" +++ `mpv`が動かず > mpv was compiled against a different version of FFmpeg/Libav than the shared library it is linked against. This is most likely a broken build and could result in misbehavior and crashes. > mpv does not support this configuration and will not run - rebuild mpv instead. とか言われる。これは、mpvが`homebrew/core`から`cask`に移行したからっぽい。したがって、一旦、uninstallしてから、caskでinstallすればよさそう。 ```sh $ brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies mpv $ brew cask install mpv ```