103 lines
4.8 KiB
103 lines
4.8 KiB
date = "2016-12-07"
tags = ["pc"]
title = "amp"
slug = "amp"
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/wildhaber/gohugo-amp.git
$ rm -rf gohugo-amp/.git
$ mv gohugo-amp/exampleSite/ .
> config.toml
baseurl = "https://amp.syui.ai/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "MBA-HACK3 AMP"
theme = "gohugo-amp"
enableRobotsTXT = true
amp = true # enables amp features
ampCdnRoot = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/" # defined base cdn root of the amp projects files
ampRelease = "v0" # define amp release you want to use
ampElementsVersion = "0.1" # define amp-elements version you want to use
# define which amp-elements you are using globally, these elements will be included in every page
ampElements = ["amp-accordion","amp-ad","amp-carousel","amp-iframe","amp-dynamic-css-classes","amp-form","amp-fx-flying-carpet","amp-image-lightbox","amp-lightbox","amp-sidebar","amp-social-share","amp-sticky-ad","amp-user-notification"]
#ampElements = ["amp-accordion","amp-ad","amp-analytics","amp-carousel","amp-iframe","amp-app-banner","amp-dynamic-css-classes","amp-form","amp-fx-flying-carpet","amp-image-lightbox","amp-lightbox","amp-sidebar","amp-social-share","amp-sticky-ad","amp-user-notification"]
themeColor = "#112233" # define a theme color (this will colorize the android address-bar)
#adsensePublisher = "ca-pub-123456789" # required if you want to include google adsense
#googleAnalytics = "UA-123456-78" # required if you want to use google analytics
#appleItunesApp = "app-id=123456789, app-argument=app-name://link/to/app-content" # required if you want to add an app banner with iOS app
#ampManifest = "/amp-manifest.json" # required if you want to add the app-banner feature
alternatePageName = "HUGO AMP" # alternative name for website structured data
organisationLogo = "https://amp.syui.ai/favicon.png" # set organisation logo for structured data
organisationName = "syui.ai" # set organisation name
organisationAddress = "Some Street 123, 12345 City" # set organisation address
socialProfiles = ["http://www.facebook.com/your-profile","http://instagram.com/yourProfile","http://www.linkedin.com/in/yourprofile","http://plus.google.com/your_profile"] # for sameAs in organisation's structured data
publisherName = "syui.ai" # publisher used in article schema
publisherLogo = "https://amp.syui.ai/favicon.png" # https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/articles#logo-guidelines
publisherLogoWidth = 600 # logo width
publisherLogoHeight = 60 # logo height
stylesheetRegular = ["/base-styling.css"] # these styles are used when amp is disabled for a specific page
javascriptRegular = ["/script.js"] # these scripts are used when amp is disabled for a specific page
post = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug"
[https://cdn.ampproject.org/](https://cdn.ampproject.org/)/v0 以下にjsがあります。
`cloudflare.com`で`CNAME amp syui.ai`を設定。`https://syui.gitlab.io/amp`、つまり、`gitlab.com/$user/$project`にテンプレートをアップロードします。
image: publysher/hugo
- hugo
- public
- master
これで`amp.syui.ai`がampのコンテンツアドレスになります。したがって、[https://syui.ai/2016/10/26/web-app/](https://syui.ai/2016/10/26/web-app/) = [https://amp.syui.ai/2016/10/26/web-app/](https://amp.syui.ai/2016/10/26/web-app/)です。
`post = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug"`は2つの`config.toml`で一致させます。本来なら`post = "/post/:slug"`などのpermlinkを設定したかったのですが、コメントシステムの対応が面倒だったので、日付を入れることにしました。
検証は`npm i amphtml-validator -g`で行います。または、[https://validator.ampproject.org/](https://validator.ampproject.org/)です。
$ amphtml-validator https://amp.syui.ai
The tag 'img' may only appear as a descendant of tag 'noscript'. Did you mean 'amp-img'?